Deposit T2 - Grace Theological Seminary

Deposit today and be guided by Grace!

We believe that where God guides, He also provides. This applies to being equipped for ministry as well. Just ask Dave Lanuti, marriage pastor at Hope Community Church in North Carolina. When he landed in ministry, he knew he needed help.

“While I weighed the pros and cons of pausing ministry to pursue a seminary degree, I still believed a formal education would further equip me as a pastor. After many years of asking, “What about seminary?” some mentors approached me about Deploy. This was a game-changer based on its flexible design and its connection to “boots on the ground” mentors in my current church setting. I feel like Deploy was hand-crafted for a person like me.”

Your road to a seminary degree will be as unique as your ministry. Explore the variety of programs and delivery methods and submit your deposit today.