5 Resources for Studying the Bible Over the Summer - Grace Seminary Skip to content

June 30, 2023

5 Resources for Studying the Bible Over the Summer

Written By Grace Theological Seminary

Tagged With Preaching & Pastoring

Summer is a great time to be outside and get closer to God. Check out resources for studying the Bible during summer. Grace Theological Seminary

The beginning of summer signals a change of activity. Warm weather means relaxation – school is out, families go on vacation, and more people are spending time outside. Churches also experience changes when summer comes around. Many Bible studies and other weekday programs take a break until the fall. Without these consistent studies, many congregation members can feel adrift on how to grow spiritually over the summer.

As a pastor, you might be wondering, what tools does my congregation need to keep studying the Bible over the summer? We’ve compiled a list of resources that will be sure to help your congregation continue to grow.

1. The Red Sea Rules by Robert J. Morgan

Are here members in your congregation who are going through a difficult time or just came out of a hard season? The Red Sea Rules provides principles from Exodus 14 as instructions for walking through a trial. This book provides ten rules with study questions to provoke further thought. Someone doing this as a study could read one principle a week, and use that material to provoke further thoughts, prayers, and Bible study.

2. The No-Prep Bible Study Series: Jesus’ Most Popular Parables by Kenny Beck

Are there members in your congregation who will have an especially busy summer? This Bible study, great for groups and individuals alike, is perfect for those interested in studying the Bible in the midst of a lot of activity. This book includes five parables, each with in-depth study questions and the author’s answers to each question. Someone doing this study could do a chapter once a week or once a month depending on how busy their schedule is.

3. Lessons on Assurance: Five Life-Changing Bible Studies and Memory Verses for New Christians by The Navigators

Are there new believers in your congregation? This book will help the new believer begin studying the Bible with Scripture to memorize, related passages, study questions, and personal application. The five lessons could be interspersed over several weeks to give plenty of time for contemplation and further spiritual growth.


4. Deep Roots: A Family Devotional to Grow Together in God’s Word by Laura Godfrey

Are there families with young kids or grandparents in your church? This book will encourage families to jump into studying the Bible together and have important conversations about faith. Each weekly entry has a Bible verse to memorize, a paragraph to read, and a discussion question that can be easily understood by the whole family.


5. Rooted: Bible in a Year Daily Reading Plan and Journal by Joani Ross

Are there people in your congregation looking to establish a good Bible reading routine over the summer? This year-long Bible reading program will help them do just that. Each day has an assigned Scripture reading and several journaling questions about God’s characteristics, prayer requests, praises, and general journaling about the passage. This book is sure to help any Christian establish a love for studying the Bible.


Now that you have some resources for your congregation, you’ll be equipped to guide them towards further spiritual growth, even when the regular Bible studies are not in session.

As a pastor, you need tools for studying the Bible all throughout the year. Here at Grace Seminary, we strive to equip pastors with the knowledge and materials that they need to be the best pastor that they can be. Every textbook, lecture, and online source is meant to serve you inside and outside the classroom. Check out our list of programs to get started today!
