Intercultural Studies, Master of Arts in Christian Ministry
A major part of ministry in God’s work today is in an international setting, either in missions, where it is cross-cultural or in a person’s home country, where it is multicultural. Missionaries and pastors must be spiritually and practically prepared to be effective in our changing world with its variety of cultural worldviews. To prepare people for this ministry, Grace Theological Seminary offers a 48-hour Intercultural Studies Masters of Arts.
This Intercultural Studies MA degree includes coursework in Bible, theology, hermeneutics, spiritual formation and prayer, intercultural and missions courses, and a six-credit hour required internship. Specially-designed for students preparing for ministry and missions in support roles involving administration, development, age-group ministry, and leadership. Students will be equipped to perform real-life ministry to diverse people across the street and around the globe, through training specific to evangelism, global church planting, missions, and intercultural or cross-cultural service.
The following types of students are encouraged to consider this program:
- Those already having had several years of vocational ministry experience who desire further theological study in order to be better prepared for the pastoral role.
- Students desiring additional theological study for their particular field of ministry.

Career Opportunities
An intercultural studies specialist is capable of performing ministry in a wide range of diverse domestic urban, cross-cultural, and international contexts.
Intercultural Ministers provide theologically-informed and culturally savvy ministry across a variety of language and people groups situated in a variety of geo-political settings and provide adept and sensitive ministry as incognito aid workers, sponsored international church planters or tent-maker-type leaders, and traditional missionaries.
Hospital Chaplain
Business or Corporate Chaplain
Missions Agency Employee
Missions Team Member
International Aid Worker
Relief Organization Executive
Non-Government Organization (NGO) staff
Non-Government Organization (NGO) staff

Course Overview
A study of the principles and processes of communicating effectively with people from a second cultural context.
The nature of man and how his culture affects him are explored with a view to how this, in turn, affects ministry in intercultural contexts.
It explores the roots of culture as a foundational and overarching expression of humanities vocations as “imaging” of God in Scripture. The subsequent harmonies and dissonances between historical expressions of culture and Christianity are analyzed and discussed.
This course prepares the student to fit evangelism, church planting, church development, and relief ministries into the social and cultural context of the receiving people.
In this course the belief systems of major religions are studied with a view to understanding why the tenets make sense and drive behavior for the adherents.
Entry Requirements
In order to be considered for enrollment in the Master of Arts program at Grace Theological Seminary, you must fulfill certain admissions requirements:
A four-year bachelor‘s degree or its equivalent (for international students) from a recognized institution of higher learning. Graduates of Bible colleges, liberal arts colleges, and state colleges and universities are encouraged to apply.
A student who received his or her pre-seminary education at an institution that is not accredited or who achieved less than a 2.5 GPA in pre-seminary education may be admitted on academic restriction.
Applicants without a bachelor’s degree who have completed some or no college may be admitted if they meet certain ministry and research/writing requirements. Please contact seminary admissions for more information; email: or phone: 877.607.0012.
Admission Requirements
Grace Theological Seminary welcomes applications from all individuals who have a testimony of personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
To be admitted as a Grace Theological Seminary student, you’re asked to provide:
Official transcripts from the school where you obtained your degree. (If you are currently working on your degree, you can submit an unofficial transcript for admission until term completion, at which time an official transcript is required. Transcripts should be sent to
A spiritual life reference
International applicant must provide a copy of TESOL test scores, and provide a financial certificate indicating sufficient funding for the program of study.
Master of Arts applicants may have additional non-academic requirements as well as longer ministry experience requirements. MA applicants are encouraged to contact admissions for more information.
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