Women's Leadership MDiv - Grace Theological Seminary Skip to content
Master of Divinity (Residential)

Women’s Leadership, M.Div.

The Women’s Leadership Studies concentration will help students develop both ministry values and skills to make genuine connections with others.

The Women’s Leadership Studies Program will provide leadership skills related to the organization and administration of ministry programs in church, parachurch and mission environments while internalizing a biblical worldview of dependency on God.

The MDiv degree program provides an optimal curriculum in graduate theological study to prepare men and women for various ministry roles. The three-year program requires 75 hours of study. There are eight concentrations: General Studies, Pastoral Studies, Pastoral Counseling, Christian Ministry, Exegetical Studies, Intercultural Studies, Women’s Leadership, and Chaplaincy Studies. Advanced Standing credit may be obtained for up to 18 credit hours of the MDiv degree and 36 credit hours may be transferred from an accredited institution. The combination of Advanced Standing and Transfer Credit is limited to 36 credit hours.

Ideal Fit

For students who desire to minister to women and provide quality ministry programs to nurture and support faith development.

The Women’s Leadership Studies specialization within the M.Div. program will equip students to facilitate ministry to women in spiritual formation settings. The program will provide courses in soul care, leadership development, and ministry to women.

Shepherd Director of Women’s Ministry Spiritual Counselor Bible Teacher

Career Opportunities

Women make up at least half the church. Their developmental faith journey has unique features that should be addressed effectively in specialized ministry settings.

The successful completion of this degree will provide a framework for leading in ministry programs in church, parachurch and mission environments while internalizing a biblical worldview of dependency on God.

  • Director of Women’s Ministry
  • Curriculum development for Bible Study materials
  • Program Director for Women’s Educational Programs with Non-profit organizations
  • Spiritual Formation Director for Women
  • Director of Discipleship
  • Director of Small Group Ministries
  • Director of Assimilation
  • Director of Family Ministries

I never thought I would earn a Seminary degree. While my Masters years were by far some of the most difficult years of my life, the classes, classmates, and professors made my time something for which I will always be grateful. The classes and professors challenged me greatly and I learned to value my ability to learn and grow.

Nicole Miller

Master of Divinity - 2012

Curriculum Examples

Women and Scripture
Soul Care in Leadership
Equipping Others for Ministry
Biblical Foundations of Leadership
Leadership in the Local Church
Download Curriculum

Course Overview

Students will explore the various roles women played in the OT against the backdrop of the ancient world.

Instead of trying to fix others in pain, soul care attempts to incarnate the presence of God in the life of another and allow God to use you to be his hands and feet.

This course will help you see that ministry is not just about doing the ministry yourself, but teaching others to join you in various arenas of ministry.

This course looks at the life of Jesus to learn from Him as the Master Teacher, Leader and Discipler.

Through reading and writing, pastoral interviews, you will learn about: servant leadership, mentoring, visionary leadership, and leading as a change agent.

Entry Requirements

In order to be considered for enrollment in the Master of Divinity program at Grace Theological Seminary, you must fulfill certain admissions requirements:
  • A four-year bachelor‘s degree or its equivalent (for international students) from a recognized institution of higher learning. Graduates of Bible colleges, liberal arts colleges, and state colleges and universities are encouraged to apply.
  • A student who received his or her pre-seminary education at an institution that is not accredited or who achieved less than a 2.5 grade point average in pre-seminary education may be admitted on academic restriction.
  • Applicants without a bachelor’s degree who have completed some or no college may be admitted if they meet certain ministry and research/writing requirements. Please contact seminary admissions for more information; email: gtsrec@grace.edu or phone: 877.607.0012.

Admission Requirements

Grace Theological Seminary welcomes applications from all individuals who have a testimony of personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

To be admitted as a Grace Theological Seminary student, you’re asked to provide:

  • Official transcripts from the school where you obtained your degree. (If you are currently working on your degree, you can submit an unofficial transcript for admission until term completion, at which time an official transcript is required. Transcripts should be sent to admissions@grace.edu.

  • A spiritual life reference

  • International applicant must provide a copy of TESOL test scores, and provide a financial certificate indicating sufficient funding for the program of study.

  • Master of Arts applicants may have additional non-academic requirements as well as longer ministry experience requirements. MA applicants are encouraged to contact admissions for more information.

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