Thriving Leaders Resources

Resources - Center for Thriving Leaders
The Center for Thriving Leaders, located at Grace Theological Seminary, offers resources to equip and encourage church planters and ministry leaders.

Grace Theological Seminary YouTube
Learn More
Momentum YouTube Channel
Includes Momentum Ministry Partners podcast video episodes, Momentum Youth Conference full session live streams, main session speakers and power track breakouts.


Books we Recommend
Below is a list of books from a variety of topics that we would recommend you add to your reading list.
For book recommendations on other topics, please reach out to
Beyond the First Visit by Dr. Gary McIntosh
Fusion: Turning First-Time Guests into Fully Engaged Members of Your Church by Nelson Searcy
Your Pastor Is an Endangered Species by H.B. London Jr. & Neil B Wiseman
The State of Pastors: How Today’s Faith Leaders are Navigating Life and Leadership in an Age of Complexity by Barna Group
Resilient Ministry: What Pastors Told Us About Surviving and Thriving by Bob Burns
Flourishing in Ministry by Matt Bloom
God as He Wants You to Know Him by Dr. Bill Thrasher
A Journey to Victorious Praying: Finding Discipline and Delight in Your Prayer Life by Dr. Bill Thrasher
How to be a Soul Physician: Learning How Christ Meets the Deepest Longings of a Soul Through the Grace of Prayer by Dr. Bill Thrasher
You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity by Francis Chan
The Church Planting Wife: Help and Hope for Her Heart by Christine Hoover
Cherish: The One Word That Changes Everything for Your Marriage by Gary L. Thomas
The Emotionally Healthy Leader: How Transforming Your Inner Life Will Deeply Transform Your Church, Team, and the World by Peter Scazzero
Emotionally Healthy Discipleship: Moving from Shallow Christianity to Deep Transformation by Peter Scazzero
Truth Changes Everything by Dr. Jeff Myers
The Weary Leader’s Guide to Burnout: A Journey from Exhaustion to Wholeness by Sean Nemecek
Pastor, Jesus Is Enough: Hope for the Weary, the Burned Out, and the Broken by Jeremy Writebol

Pulpit Supply
Whether there is a gap in your church staff, your pastor is on vacation, or you simply have a need to fill the pulpit on any given week, we’re here to help! We can help provide a preacher to come speak at your church. Email for more information.

Parachurch Organizations
Cooke Media Group: Phil Cooke, Co-founder & President
PIR Ministries: Roy Yanke, Executive Director
Salvation Army: Envoy Ken Locke
Contact Us:
Phone: 574-372-5100 ext. 6201 or 6430
Address: 200 Seminary Dr, Winona Lake, IN 46590