What is Chaplaincy? | Grace Seminary Podcast Skip to content

November 1, 2021

What is Chaplaincy? | Grace Seminary Podcast

Written By Grace Theological Seminary

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Chaplaincy MA degree from Grace Seminary is for those who want a chaplain degree, with a masters in chaplaincy & military ministry skills.
Freddy Cardoza

Freddy Cardoza

Freddy Cardoza, is the Dean of the School of Ministry Studies at Grace College and Vice President of Grace Theological Seminary. Freddy oversees the faithful execution of the mission and vision for the School of Ministry Studies. He is committed to advancing the Kingdom of God by expanding the size, reach, and impact of the school, faculty, staff, and the dynamic programs they offer. Freddy also serves as Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership. In this capacity, he equips Christian leaders for ministry impact, and trains disciples to wield the Word of God and the power of God, for the glory of God.

Dr. Cardoza’s most recent scholarship includes the primary textbook entitled Christian Education: A Guide to the Foundations of Ministry (2019, Baker Academic).


  • Ph.D. 2005 Leadership, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
  • M.A. 1994 Christian Education, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC
  • B.S. 1991 Church Ministries, Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA
  • Additional Post-Doctoral Studies: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
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