April 29, 2021
Can You Get a Masters Degree Without a Bachelor’s Degree?
Written By Grace Theological Seminary
Tagged With Ministry Master of Divinity Master of Arts

A look across the societal landscape reveals a stark need for theological education.
How can we make such a bold statement?
Take a listen inside most churches across the land and you’ll hear discussions that surround the subject matter of truth. This isn’t a new thing. Just before Jesus was sentenced to crucifixion, Pilate famously asked, “What is truth?” (John 18:38) The question was ironic because he was standing before the Truth, in human form. Everything Pilate could ever have wanted to know could have been answered by Jesus, the Word of God.
Similarly, our society is constantly redefining truth. Facts about our basic nature and identity are continually being questioned. The people who attend church are clamoring to know what is true. The question is no less ironic today than it was when Pilate asked it. We have the Truth readily available to us still today. Everything we could ever want to know is available to us through the Word of God.
Paul, in his letter to the church in Rome, wrote, “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:14-15)
We believe that the Bible has the answers for all matters pertaining to salvation, but how can we be sure that our pastors and teachers have a thorough understanding of the implications of this truth? One of the answers to this important question is a seminary education.
But can you get a master’s degree without a bachelor’s degree?
Seminary is Available
Having education available to almost everyone has opened a world of possibilities that at one point in history seemed impossible. Teaching the masses to read and having the Bible available is mass has changed things. Thank you, Gutenberg printing press! Yet obstacles remain.
Seminary has often been thought of as out-of-reach for those who didn’t choose to attend college straight out of high school. Maybe you tried, and the dorm life just isn’t your style. Maybe you landed a ministry position at your church right off the bat, and therefore higher education seemed irrelevant and impractical. Maybe you’ve given up on seminary, even though now that you’ve been in ministry, you see the value in having a firm foundation in exegesis, biblical languages and expository preaching.
We have good news for you — it’s not too late.
“Can you get a master’s degree without a bachelor’s degree?” you ask.
At Grace Theological Seminary, you can now apply for a master’s degree without a bachelor’s.
Seminary is All About Equipping
In Acts 18, we get a quick peek at the educational journey of Apollos, a traveling preacher. He was already sharing the Good News of Jesus from town to town when he arrived in Corinth. There he met Priscilla and Aquila, disciple-making partners of the Apostle Paul. They took Apollos under their wings and “explained the way of God more adequately.” (Acts 18:26)
Maybe you have many years of ministry experience. You have likely already made a kingdom impact on many people. Perhaps all you’re missing are the academic credentials to match your experience. Do you have someone to explain God’s Word more adequately?
You’re not alone. For many reasons, lacking a bachelor’s degree is a common story among ministry leaders. Maybe you’ve desired further education. But how can you get a master’s degree without a bachelor’s degree?
Pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina, Dr. Kevin DeYoung weighs in on the importance of seminary education. “I believe most pastors will have deeper, broader, and longer-lasting ministry if they invest in a good seminary education as a key component of their pastoral training.”1 If you agree that a strong foundation is important for furthering your ministry call, then Grace Theological Seminary is here to equip you!
Seminary Provides Essential Tools
Seminary is a good place to learn theology, church history, the biblical languages, and the tools of exegesis.2 At Grace, we have provided multiple pathways for students just like you!
You can earn a Master of Arts or a Master of Divinity from Grace and finally match your degree to your experience. Grace offers residential, online, and Deploy master’s degrees to students who have not obtained a bachelor’s degree. These tracks are as unique as your calling to ministry.
So can you get a master’s degree without a bachelor’s degree?
Contact Grace Theological Seminary today, and be equipped to lead God’s Church.
1 Kevin DeYoung, https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/kevin-deyoung/why-the-church-still-needs-the-seminary/
2 https://www.9marks.org/answer/how-important-seminary-training/
Tagged With Ministry Master of Divinity Master of Arts