April 17, 2023
Easter Celebration Ideas for Any Time of Year
Written By Grace Theological Seminary
Tagged With Grace Theological Seminary

If you type “Easter” into Google, pictures of flower arrangements, bunnies, and egg decorating will populate your screen. It might leave you wondering, is this all there is to Easter?
Not so! Long before the Easter Bunny, there was the Lamb. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lived as a human without sin for thirty-three years. He was condemned for crimes he did not commit, hung on the cross, laid in the tomb for three days, and raised to life again. He did all that to provide a way for sinners like us to be saved by grace through faith, have a relationship with God while on earth, and spend eternity with Him in heaven.
The rich significance and power of Easter can and should be celebrated all year round. Christians get to have a daily relationship with God, and they should celebrate the event that made it all possible every single day. Here are five Easter celebration ideas for any time of year:
1. Listen to Worship Music
Worship music exists for corporate worship services and for the individual. There are several songs that are great reminders of the Gospel message, such as:
- “King of Kings” by Hillsong
- “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” by Charles Wesley
- “Amazing Grace” by John Newton
- “Only King Forever” by Elevation Worship
- “Blessed Assurance” by Fanny Crosby
Singing these songs is a great reminder of the majesty of Christ and all the reasons why he should be praised. Sing or listen to these on a walk, in the car, with friends, during your devotions, or in the shower!
2. Take Communion
All Easter celebration ideas should center around Jesus! The Last Supper is incredibly important in the narrative of Jesus’ last week of life. Jesus took the bread and the cup, gave thanks for them, and gave them to the disciples. Jesus specifically said, “Do this in remembrance of me.” We are to remember that His life, ministry, and death were devoted to forgiving the sins of the world and ushering in a new way to relate to God – by grace, through faith. Descriptions of the Last Supper can be found in Matthew 26:20-30, Mark 14:17-25, Luke 22:14-30, and John 13:21-30.
Communion is something to be partaken of both corporately and personally. Churches participate together as the body of Christ, usually once a month or at another regular interval throughout the year. In 1 Corinthians 11:28-29, Paul instructs how communion should be taken. “Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves.” To examine oneself means to look for areas of unconfessed sin or distance from God. Christians should talk to God about their sins and struggles prior to taking communion so that they can be completely focused on the sacrifice of Jesus.
3. Engage in Times of Focused Prayer
During His time on earth, Jesus prioritized prayer and time alone with the Father. Christians should prioritize taking all worries, joys, and lessons to God in the same way. Easter celebration ideas should prompt us to communicate with God. The description of the Passion Week in the Bible provides many ways for Christians to pray for themselves and others. Here are a few prayer prompts to get you started:
- Pray for unbelievers: Jesus’ sacrifice provided a way for all people to come to a saving faith in Christ Jesus. Pray for those who have not yet accepted this free gift of salvation.
- Pray for courage to share the Gospel: This message of hope is meant to be shared! Pray that you will have the courage to discuss the Gospel with others and know who you should share it with.
- Pray for spiritual growth: Being in a relationship with God means that you will be changed to look more and more like Christ. Pray that God will show you ways that you can grow in Him and for the strength to work through those things with Him.
4. Study the Passion Week
Studying and understanding the Passion Week is not meant to happen just once a year. Christians should continually reflect on the suffering, sacrifice, and resurrection of Jesus as they live in a relationship with God. The privilege of knowing God personally is only because of Jesus sacrificing his life. As far as Easter celebration ideas go, this one encourages you to dive into the Scriptures and intentionally learn more about Jesus.
The Passion Week is described in Matthew 26-28, Mark 14-16, Luke 22-24, and John 13-21. Each account gives important details and gives Christians new ways to think about Christ’s last week of life. Although thinking about the gravity of sin and Christ’s abhorrent death is difficult, it is important in grasping the true depth of His love for us.
5. Watch The Chosen
The Chosen is a multi-season show about the life of Jesus and the disciples. They have not released episodes detailing Passion Week yet, but the three released seasons do a fantastic job of depicting Christ’s earthly life and his heart for humanity. Watching the stories that you read about in Scripture can help provide more context and insight into how it might have happened.
We hope that these Easter celebration ideas help you to continue to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made, even after the official holiday has passed.
Do you want a seminary that will equip you to help others remember, appreciate, and celebrate Christ Jesus throughout the year? Check out our programs to get started today. For more Easter information, read this blog about the Last Supper Passover Seder.
Tagged With Grace Theological Seminary