July 29, 2022
What does a Christian Seminary Have to Offer the Church?
Written By Grace Theological Seminary
Tagged With Grace Theological Seminary

The years at a college and Christian seminary are, by definition, a transient season for the student. When a student earns a degree they are doing so with the hope of putting their newfound knowledge into action. They will often share the positive impact these transitive years had on them. So for those in ministry, they want to know what a seminary has to offer the Church.
Conversely, every seminary professor is hopeful that the student will succeed in the world outside of the classroom. The faculty want to impact their students so that they put their time, effort, and energy into their chosen area of ministry. If their students were to remain in the classroom forever, the impact would be contained and the mission stalled.
If the education system, from pre-school all the way through college, accomplishes anything it should be to stir curiosity in students. As students eventually leave college and continue to learn and explore new solutions to life’s challenges, the impact of college extends to the people and communities that those college graduates serve in their chosen profession.
An engineer, properly trained, will build bigger and better tools within their field. Writers will share their thoughts, feelings, and discoveries with those who take the time to read. Teachers, nurses, artists, counselors, and business people alike will have an impact on those they serve. No less should those in ministry be seeking to gather what they have learned in a Christian seminary and present it to the world through their unique ministries.
In fact, there is perhaps no place where this exploration of impact has greater consequences than in our seminaries and the Church. When we discover the impact of a pastor on the Church, we are likely to understand the impact of the seminary on that pastor.
So what does a Christian seminary offer a pastor or a pastor in training?
The very first thing a seminary provides to pastors, perhaps the most important thing, is time. The years at a seminary are a focused time to dive deeply into God’s Word. The demand for pastors is often high-pressured and taxing. Taking the time needed to study and learn the vital principles of how to read, interpret, and preach Scripture is not something to be overlooked.Â
People in the Church are looking for authentic answers and they look to the pastor. You will only be prepared if you take the time to do so.Â
But Grace Seminary is not just going to take your time, it will give some back to you! With our accelerated degrees, you will be able to earn your bachelor’s degree and a Master of Arts degree in just four years. If you want to earn a Master’s of Divinity, you can do that in only five years. So not only will you have time to focus on learning, but we’ll also save you time earning your degree.
With various areas of expertise, professors are able to teach you the biblical languages, prepare you for a multi-cultural approach to ministry, show you the importance of exegesis, and so much more. Professors serve as guides to present and future ministry leaders, offering them the tools they will need to succeed in ministry.
Given the importance of the mission, along with the unique calling on each student, professors serve as teachers, models, and mentors to future pastors. Their experiences serve as both examples and warnings to the next generation. Grace Theological Seminary professors are all pastors who continue to serve local churches, write books, and equip leaders through the many resources they create.
When you register for seminary classes you are probably only considering the resources being offered by the seminary. But your classes won’t take place in a vacuum. They will be filled with many other students, each with their own unique experiences, gifts, and goals. Your future ministries may be taking you to all points across this globe, but you’ll learn side-by-side with them while you’re at the seminary.
Ministry leadership can too often be a lonely place, so having a cohort of believers who understand your position is very important. These will be people you learn alongside with as well as take part in worship experiences and campus activities. Sometimes you may even end up serving in the same city with them!
The list so far has included aspects that many seminaries will claim. The rest of this list will show you the unique aspects that Grace Theological Seminary offers pastors.
Grace Theological Seminary is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. In a day when lots of people are given titles and many others proclaim their own version of the truth, accreditation is important, establishing the standards to which we also hold ourselves.
The skills needed by every pastor cannot only be practiced in a classroom. The needs of people are real, they weigh heavy on those who choose to carry them, and pastors also require experience in helping. With many churches and ministries located in Kosciusko County, the opportunities for internships are many. Having the opportunity to serve alongside those with more experience is an often underappreciated gift that a Christian seminary offers pastors.
Grace goes further by providing an extensive list of open ministry positions, offering a portal of connection points between churches and ministry leaders.
The body of Christ is a diverse body with diverse needs, so Grace seeks to be a Christian seminary that meets all of those needs. With over twenty master’s and doctoral programs to offer, every pastor and ministry leader can choose their interests and follow their path. Learn more about the various programs here. But the choices do not stop there!
When it comes to who God is calling to serve in areas of ministry, we know not everyone is in the same life stage. While some are coming to Grace straight from high school, others are seeking a seminary degree later in life. Are you able to make a move to Winona Lake and study residentially? Would you prefer the convenience of earning your seminary degree online? Perhaps you’d like the best of both worlds, taking classes online but serving alongside a mentor?
Grace offers delivery methods for every type of student. You can compare those delivery methods and decide which one fits your learning style and your season in life best.
We understand you’re not choosing a ministry career in order to get rich. That’s why we’re making ministry affordable. We recently dropped our residential program prices by 23%! Along with the many scholarships we offer, most students will save thousands on the cost of a Christian seminary degree.
What does a seminary offer a pastor? At Grace College and Theological Seminary, we are offering the tools needed to answer God’s call to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. Consider Grace to be both your training ground and lifelong resource and foundation for ministry. Click here to schedule a visit and learn more about our methods for teaching, training, and transforming seminary students for service.
Tagged With Grace Theological Seminary